FYI, might be of interest to some in the satellite / amateur satellite communities.
//Samudra N3RDX
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cal Poly CubeSat [email protected] Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 2:06 AM Subject: [CubeSat] 10th Annual CubeSat Developers' Workshop Live Streaming and Useful Links To: "CubeSat @ CubeSat.org" [email protected]
Hi All,
Similar to past years, we will have live streaming of the workshop available for viewing. You may access the stream using the link below.
*Live Stream:* http://mediasite01.ceng.calpoly.edu/Mediasite/Catalog/pages/catalog.aspx?cat...
Below are also a few more useful links for your convenience:
*Directions, Parking, and Registration Location:* http://cubesat.org/index.php/workshops/upcoming-workshops/2013-spring-worksh...
*Directions to Madonna Inn Expo Center:* Linkhttps://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=California+Polytechnic+State+University,+San+Luis+Obispo,+CA&daddr=100+Madonna+Road,San+Luis+Obispo,CA,93405&hl=en&sll=35.267381,-120.674729&sspn=0.008917,0.019269&geocode=FS_AGgIdML3O-CEDkdkpirSzmClRNUwFtPHsgDEDkdkpirSzmA%3BFTUjGgIdV6bO-Cl5horo8fDsgDG_Vkk1ySqspQ&oq=calpo&mra=ls&t=m&z=13 *Note:* Expo Center is located past Madonna Inn Hotel. Drive past hotels and go through gates.
Please visit the CubeSat Workshop webpage for any further information at:
We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!
Regards, Derek Nelson