Thanks for the kind words. It’s nice to hear great things about the product. As you know our customer support is second to none. We take our customers advice and are always looking to make the SAT better.
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On Nov 20, 2021, at 7:08 PM, Stan Musick W5PDQ@outlook.com wrote:
Per the inquiry; For those that are not, perhaps you can tell us what CSN S.A.T. is and where to find it.
Well; I'm currently using S.A.T. and it is hands down, the most complete system for Tracking (Radio & Antenna) with a full Satellite list with automatic or on-demand updates; and that's not all, these folks have bundled this in an awesome User-Interface. I'm really surprised that AMSAT has not had this product in their magazine or on their website.
If you're tired of fidgeting with all your loose ends to make a decent Satellite contact, take a moment to check this out http://www.csntechnologies.net/sat .
-----Original Message----- From: Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF nigel@ngunn.net Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 07:07 PM To: michael sartoretti kc2syf@gmail.com Cc: Larry Fields n6hpx1@gmail.com; Bob Stricklin bstrick@n5brg.com; AMSAT BB amsat-bb@amsat.org; jamsat-bb@jamsat.or.jp Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: 2021.11.9 50kg microsatellite Z-Sat was launched. / 2021年11月9日 超小型衛星 Z-Sat が打ち上げられました
For those that are not, perhaps you can tell us what CSN S.A.T. is and where to find it.
On 11/11/2021 19:00 michael sartoretti kc2syf@gmail.com wrote:
For Those using the CSN S.A.T. just update your TLE'S its in the list with frequencies