Using the keps from this morning (epoch 13330.154), the Doppler corrections by SatPC32 are much closer than yesterdays keps. I got the following frequencies from a nearly overhead pass about 1722 UTC. The frequencies are the frequency “at the satellite” calculated by SatPC32 to place the center of the telemetry in the middle of my 3.0 kHz USB passband. Thus the frequency of the center “at the satellite” are 1.50 kHz higher than these. Elevation xx where the frequency is 145935.xx MHz 5 .90 10 .85 15 .80 20 .75 30 .68 40 .65 50 missing 60 .59 70 .52 60 .50 50 .49 40 .47 30 .41 20 .37 15 .34 10 .29 5 .24
Thus a change of only about 660 Hz over the entire pass.