On AO-16 I usually can hear myself when AO-16 is above about 10-degrees using 5-watts from an IC-910H and an arrow antenna, however others appear not to hear me as well as I hear myself so I usually have to crank'er up to 10-watts... early and late in a pass.
Today AO-16 was full of hets, gurgles, burbles, clicks, and off frequency signals (QRM) even more than normal when to the south as noted in another submission. Surprising to me was that SO-50 with PL tone access was full of the same, no hets, of course. I have to say these 2-m uplink satellites are rapidly becoming unusable from the RF uplink anarchy going on inside the footprints.
I have always wanted to use the word anarchy in a AMSAT-BB email and there I've finally done it! Hi!
73, KG4QWC
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