There is an interesting interview here:
73s Peter DB2OS
Bill Ress wrote:
Hi Dave,
While SpaceX only works with primary single manifest customers, but if those customers can't use the entire payload, then they can work with third party multi-manifest "brokers" and we in turn could work with these multi-manifest "brokers" for a piece of the payload. For sure, lots of negotiating required when and if we find that a primary manifest customer doesn't need the whole payload.
I really don't know if AMSAT management has any activity pursuing this avenue of launch, but if they don't, they should!!
Regards,,,Bill - N6GHz (AMSAT Board Candidate)
Dave hartzell wrote:
Actually, the SpaceX Falcon 1 or 1e could put a spacecraft into HEO or lunar transfer orbit:
The stated cost for this is around $9m. Of course, they haven't gotten a successful orbit yet from a F1....maybe the third time will be the charm. Hitching a ride on a larger launch vehicle like the F9 is interesting, assuming there is capacity and the willingness to be a guinea pig (and there WILL be a cost to anyone wanting a ride)...
It will be interesting to see what launch opportunities will be available in the next few years (if any)...
Dave AF6KD
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:40 PM, [email protected] wrote:
The anticipated 'going rate' for this new vehicle is shown at the bottom of the page.
_ (
Test flight anyone?
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