Due to my qrl I have not so much time and energy to get qrv on the satellites anymore. I am more happy with designing and making new transponders haha...
In the last months I finished a new transponder design that is very small in size, relative cheap to produce, good in RF performance, and changeable to other bands. More info will follow later as I am still improving it.
Now I have the transponder design I am thinking to make an additional PACSAT system like in UO-22 or KO-25 etc... My main problem is the software, as I am better in RF designbing than in programming (although I will manage some way to make it).
I would like to know if there is any software, data or kind of flow chart available from a PACSAT (satellite) system ???
With todays low-power-high-speed processors with lot of memory on chip it should be possible to make a small version of a PACSAT system, isn't it ??
It can be very interresting for balloon missions. Data and pictures can be stored by the OBC and later downloaded by users, like with the WO-18 and GO-32 once was possible.
With a battery, solar panels, a box and a rocket we even might have a new satellite :o)
73 de William
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