I am having a problem getting into the ISS,even when its over head. I can hear the station vary loud. Last night it was almost over head and it was 40 over, still no luck. I am using HRD 4.1Build 2019 to run the TS-2000. I have checked the tone and it should be set for 67hz. and turned on. It is almost like the tone isnt there. Will the uplink antenna make that much of a differance? I am using an old style KLM 143-150-14C without the switch wired up so I cant change it. The other question I have is...is it better to cant the antennas at a 45* angle rather than being 90* to ground(looking more like an"X" than "+") ? I would sure like to get in one time before the mode changes again. Great web site. Thanks everyone for the help the last couple of weeks. It make this new mode a lot more fun.
Marv. N0FJP