Thanks for the prompt reply Erich. I'm currently at my winter home in Florida, all my sat equipment is at my summer home in NJ, so I didn't have it in front of me to help Scotty try and sort out the USB drivers. That being said, I know the 9100 comport is virtual, but I wasn't sure about the LVB, but that still doesn't explain to me why I would lose the LVB calibration if I turn on the devices in an incorrect order. I usually save the pass by looking out the window at the antennas and quickly coming up with a fudge factor to enter into the rotor offsets in SatPC32 , then do the re-calibration afterwards. I would think I would just get a comport error,that would be fixable by simply turning off, then on the devices in the correct order. Any ideas on this?
Also, while discussing this, I think back to when I had this problem. I remember SatPC32 taking quite awhile to recover from my operational blunder. I routinely use the 9100, along with my K3 with DXLab, the DXLab rig control program Commander doesn't have this problem. If the 9100 is off when I try and select it with Commander it just sits there till I turn on the 9100 and then all is well. I don't have to reboot Commander to recover from the missing comport error. I will be back in NJ for the summer in a few days and will be able to test this if you want me to try anything...
73 Jeff kb2m
-----Original Message----- From: Erich Eichmann Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 1:29 AM To: Jeff ; [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 actinh wierd
Hi Jeff, I suppose you steer the IC-9100 via one of it's two USB ports for CAT control. Then it is necessary to switch on the IC-9100 before you start SatPC32. The built-in USB-to-Serial adapter of the IC-9100 is fed by the radio. Therefore the generated (virtual) COM port is not available if the radio is off. When SatPC32 starts it checks whether the selected COM ports for CAT and rotor control are available and sends the error message if not.
You can only avoid this if you connect the radio via a "CAT cable" between the PC and the radios CI-V connector because the built-in USB-to-Serial adapter of the CAT cabel is fed by the PC.
The LVB Tracker uses also a built-in USB-to-Serial adapter. So, it's generated virtual COM port is also only available if the LVB Tracker is on.
73s, Erich, DK1TB
Am 21.06.2015 um 22:38 schrieb Jeff:
I feel your pain Scotty, I have a similar problem with my 9100, LVB, and SatPC32. In my case the LVB would show a memory error and I would lose calibration. Only way to fix would be a full re-calibration. This is a real pain to go through during a pass so I just remember to turn on the LVB, then the 9100, then bring up SatPC32. I know of no other way around this....
73 Jeff kb2m
-----Original Message----- From: Scott Smith Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2015 4:00 PM To: Amsat Subject: [amsat-bb] SatPC32 actinh wierd
Hi, I fired up my SatPC32 in the wrong order from the way I usually do it, I usually turn on radio and my LVB tracker first then fire up the computer. The LVB works fine,but I got a message “could not open Com3 and to check if It was available” this is weird as this laptop is dedicated only for satellite use, and I have not changed anything. I use a Kenwwod IF232r between my computer and my TS790a radio. I opened the device manager and it says for the FT232r USB UART “the drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28). I tried to downoard the driver from ZLP and it still does not work?, any ideas? Tnx in advance. 73 de VE6ITV Scott