22 Jan
22 Jan
11:35 p.m.
Got on FO29 today after one of our gentle desert breeze wind storms. Signals were way down as was my downlink. Finally worked Brent, VE5SWL, on CW but it was a chore. Checked all the cables, rf seems to be going in the right directions.Checked CAS-4B pass, same thing. Put the array flat and dead South. Went outside and checked, dead flat but pointing due East. I guess gain and side rejection is a real thing! ;>)
Mike Herr
Home of The QRP Ranch
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"Dad says that anyone who can't use a slide rule is a cultural illiterate
and should not be allowed to vote. Mine is a beauty - a K&E 20-inch Log-log
Duplex Decitrig." - Robert Heinlein