My assumption is that people listening for the CAS-2T beacon have not been patient the last few days. It is not continuously transmitting as it was after launch. There is a very long pause between transmissions (several minutes.) I copied the same series of letters as K8YSE/7 yesterday.
There might be some confusion on reporting satellite operational status on the AMSAT OSCAR Status Page (
"Not Heard" can be subjective. Either the transponder was not heard or the beacon was not heard. My opinion is to only use "Not Heard" when you have tried the transponder and telemetry/beacon frequencies. Only if you do not hear either one should you report "Not Heard."
73 Clayton W5PFG
On 11/25/2016 12:26, John Papay wrote:
Some are reporting hearing the beacon of CAS-2T, however, I had not been hearing it for the past few days. Yesterday I set it on the Beacon Frequency and waited without tuning around. Sure enough it was eventually heard, but not in a continuous stream. It would send "CE" and then go silent for a while. Then it would send "CASS" and go silent, maybe for a minute or two before sending "CE" again. No response on the voice repeater frequency. In the past it had stuttered when activated.
The HO-68 beacon was heard on frequency sending the data but often times it would stop sending in the middle of the data group. It would go off for some time and then come back sending a few characters before going off again. The beacon frequency has been absolutely stable for years. Frequency settings have not been changed here for years and it is always right there every time.
73, John K8YSE/7