Hi Art!
I plan to be on VO-52 for Field Day, working the Satellite station for the Palomar Amateur Radio Club and using the Club Call W6NWG Schedule was sent out for FO-29 It should be on for Field Day and I will try it too. See copy below:
I compared those pass times from JE9PEL's e-mail (generally between 0100 and 0300 UTC on each day when it will be on), and compared it to FO-29 passes for Arizona. In the next few days, FO-29 would pass by generally between 0600 and 1000 UTC and also between 1600 and 1900 UTC. Since none of those times match up with the times in that other e-mail, it is fair to say that - for North America, at least - FO-29 is not available for us to use during Field Day on 28-29 June. A shame.
I had hoped that FO-29 would be back, as that would make the Doppler tuning with my two-radio setup a little bit easier. Oh well... I will give VO-52 a try this weekend as previously planned. I'm really confident that my planned SSB/CW satellite station (two FT-817NDs) will work out, and it will be nice to have something in addition to FM satellites available for demonstrations, presentations, etc. I do.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/