On 03/08/13 12:40, Greg D wrote:
Hi Dave,
If the noise came and went sharply (like someone turned something off for a week), and "man made" sounding, perhaps one of your neighbors put up a solar power array? Lots of diodes and the power inverter running during the day...
I sympathise with the original poster and have exactly the same problem; 20dB over S9, or worse, up to 21MHz.
My initial though was likewise that our 3KW solar system was the cause and although it does add to the noise, switching it off barely makes a difference. Our mains powered LED lighting also adds a little to the noise, most noticeable at around 7MHz.
We live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and our closest neighbours are 500 metres away. So that only leaves the overhead street electricity cables and or the high tension cables that lead to the switching yard some 2km from our house. We have underground cables from the street to the house.
Whatever the cause, HF operation is out of the question at the moment. If I can muster some enthusiasm I might investigate a loop aerial.