I just read the article about ITAR in the Jan/Feb 2009 AMSAT Journal. I have to say that the article didn't help me understand ITAR at all. It seems to have skipped the first several steps in the explanation.
For example, what criteria are used to judge that a device has dual use as a munition? It is not at all obvious to my feeble mind how a 23 GHz amplifier or IHU-3 (computer) can be judged to have dual use as a munition.
What criteria does ITAR law use to EXCLUDE devices that have obvious dual uses as munitions? For example, GSM cell phones have been used to remotely control explosive devices that killed thousands of U.S. servicemen. Are they not regulated because they are too ubiquitous to control?
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik