On 10/12/20 06:36, Burns Fisher via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Like Phil says, it is probably related to the bandwidth available through the chain of hubs you are using. (There are usually hubs WITHIN the computer as well as external). Interesting, though. I do use an external powered hub which works fine (but using a Windows PC).
Anyway, I'm glad you got it going.
Same here, glad it works.
Another thing to watch about powered hubs: some have internal DC-DC switching converters that can give you grief, especially at HF. I have a 3.0 powered hub from Amazon that takes 12V. I considered this a feature, as I could run it from my station 12V power supply, but the noise can be noticeable.
The battle against switcher RFI in my shack continues. These little buggers are everywhere!