Hey Phil.
I can only speak to the SDRPlay RSP1 and Airspy R2, but those are two of the SDRs available that are significantly superior to the basic RTL-SDR devices.
Many people use the premium SDRs such as these products for some really weak (and/or dirty) signal reception. The SDRPlay products are particularly good for full-duplex transponder use, too. For linear satellites, I use the SDRPlay RSP1 exclusively as my receive "radio".
Hope that helps!
-Scott, K4KDR
On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 9:43 PM Phil via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
On 11/6/19 10:36 am, Scott via AMSAT-BB wrote:
My receive setup for that particular configuration was the 70cm X-Quad w/ SP-70 LNA on an AZ/EL rotator to the SDRPlay RSP1.
Is the RSP1 superior to rtl el cheapo $20 SDR dongles in regards to receive sensitivity? My experience with rtl dongles is that although I can hear strong signals they are nowhere near as sensitive as say a Chinese handheld radio.
Regards, Phil