I am using SATPC32 V12.8c with a Yaesu G5500 rotator and a GS-232B controller. In rotor setup the Max elevation is set to 180 degrees. The rotator has not been calibrated in some time, but it seems to be pointing in the correct direction and has been working properly.
But on an overhead pass (>65 degrees) when I turned on the rotor control in SATPC32 the antenna went to the horizon at the proper azimuth but flipped so the control box showed elevation at 180 degrees (visually verified). Tracking was correct but when the antenna was back down to about 45 degrees the antenna swung around 180 degrees and "unflipped" the antenna, then tracked properly to the opposite horizon. Since then it has been working properly again, but I have not had another overhead pass.
Has anyone seen this type of behavior or can direct me to a possible remedy?
Thanks Bob - AA6TB