Hi Rick, WA4NVM
Plese look at the two last drawing of the SV1BSX page:
You will see that the polarity marked (+) over the dipoles are correct for both the clockwice CW or RHCP polarization as well for the counterclockwise CCW or LHCP polarization.
By the way the drawings of the circular pats of the wave along the antennas are wrong and must be inverted. The green path on the top picture is LHCP and must be inverted with the red path in the bottom picture wich is RHCP
Sorry I can't informe my very good friend Mak SV1BSX because unfortunately the last year he went SK but he did a very beautiful job.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick - WA4NVM" [email protected] To: "i8cvs" [email protected]; "Douglas Quagliana" [email protected]; "amsat" [email protected]; "Edward Cole" [email protected] Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 6:25 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: Arecibo and circular polarization using cheap yagis
Hi All,
A picture is worth a thousand words.........
Maybe this will help......
73, Rick WA4NVM
Hi Rick, WA4NVM
Plese look at the two last drawing of the SV1BSX page:
You will see that the polarity marked (+) over the dipoles are correct for both the clockwice CW or RHCP polarization as well for the counterclockwise CCW or LHCP polarization.
By the way the drawings of the circular pats of the wave along the antennas are wrong and must be inverted. The green path on the top picture is LHCP and must be inverted with the red path in the bottom picture wich is RHCP
Sorry I can't informe my very good friend Mak SV1BSX because unfortunately the last year he went SK but he did a very beautiful job.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico