Hi Kevin,
you wrote:
I know there is a kit out there for a receiver and or a SSB converter. 2-meter/70cm SSB receiver. I heard there was an article in QST so it must exist.
You might be thinking of the KK7B receivers which were in QST magazine in the early 1990s. These receivers included the R1 and R2 phasing receivers. According to the articles, these will work up to 500 MHz with the appropriate local oscillator and phase shift networks.
The R1 is described in the August 92 QST "High Performance Direct Conversion Receiver" which you can read at
The R2 is described in the January 93 QST article "High Performance Single Signal Direct Conversion Receivers" which you can read at
You will also want to read the May 1993 QST which contains his article "Single-Conversion Microwave SSB/CW Transceivers". This article includes the schematic for a very simple 144 MHz local oscillator comprised of a basically a crystal, a 74HC04, a MAV11 and some filtering components. This article also contains the interconnect diagram for connecting the local oscillator, receiver and transmitter if you want to make a complete transceiver. (If you go this route, double check that the TOKO part numbers are still the same.)
And, there's also "A Multimode Phasing Exciter for 1 to 500 MHz" in the April 1993 QST.
Some of these articles also appeared in the ARRL publication "QRP Power" First edition chapters 3 and 4.
Kits or at least circuit boards are available from Kanga US for SOME of the above circuits. You can examine Kanga's current offerings at
There's also the miniR2 and the R2pro (although I'm not sure if these go up to 70cm or not). The R2pro paper is at
You might also consider building (or buying) a 2m or 70cm down-converter and using that with a 10-meter receiver.
I hope these references are helpful. Good luck!
See you on the birds, Douglas KA2UPW/5
Disclaimers: These really are not beginner level kits. If you've never soldered a kit together, then you'll want to get some assistance for these. I have no relationship with Kanga.
-----Original Message----- From: Kevin Deane [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 9:50 pm Subject: [amsat-bb] KIT
Is there another forum, because obviously everyone here just buys everything and maybe have forgotten what this hobby is all about!
I know there is a kit out there for a receiver and or a SSB converter. 2-meter/70cm SSB receiver. I heard there was an article in QST so it must exist.
I am young, enthusiastic, and have lots of time, any help would be great. :) Kevin KF7MYK