Peter Prendergast wrote:
Are the results out yet?
1,233 envelopes were returned, of which 1,231 could be associated with a unique member.
As the local public health situation makes a traditionally tellered count infeasible, I have invited candidates, directors, officers, and a few people local to Northern Virginia who I had planned to invite as tellers to observe my handling of the ballots through a Zoom session I've set up (to the extent my webcam permits--I try to set up to give a good view). The handling involves opening each envelope face down, removing the ballot from the face-down envelope and putting it into a receptacle, and tallying the ballots after all of them within the batch have been placed into the receptacle, meeting the bylaws requirement for a secret ballot.
I have conducted two sessions thus far (Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening). I believe I will be able to finish in one more session. Invited folks from across and without the generally perceived ideological divide have observed one or both sessions in whole and in part, and I appreciate their investment of time to give the confidence that observing the process imparts.
The bylaws require an announcement as soon as practicable, and in no event later than September 30. This standard will be met.
73, Brennan Price, N4QX Secretary Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation