Respect and trust are things not easily earned from people we almost never see. It’s not difficult for me to respect and trust my wife having lived with her for 42 years. Politicians and BoD members aren’t like that. We often barely know them so any decision about who to vote for or who to trust when conflicts arise is generally something of a gamble.
But in this case the "explanation letter" issued by AMSAT was signed by some people I've trusted for years, especially Dr. Tom Clark and Keith Baker whose signatures lend considerable gravitas to the response.
That said, I’m satisfied with the response and have made up my mind about the choices in the coming election I intend to make. I hope you all have too. And for those non-members who have kicked up considerable chaff here on the -BB, I invite you to turn your angst, whatever it might be, into action by joining AMSAT and have a vote in the matter. Otherwise, you’re just ranting with into the wind for no reason other than to hear your own voice…
Jeff, KE9V AMSAT 28350