Unfortunately, I heard "one of us" report last week that "PocketSat isn't really popular any more, with the demise of the Palm computing platform ... "
That's woefully incorrect on many fronts.
Palm users are plentiful, and Jim is still supporting us. PocketSat+ is still the best Palm-platform satellite tracking software available, IMHO. Support still at ...
But Jim has not let his programming skills stagnate. We now have PocketSat3 for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices. It provides gorgeous screen graphics for our passes. Available in the Apple Store. Docs and support at Jim's new site at ...
It works marvelously on my new 32GB iPod touch. AMSAT's keps are one of the four default sets for painless download. Recently added is a "View Constellation" mode - which overlays your view of the heavens on a sat pass.
There are several "satellite trackers" in the Apple Store ... from free to $.099 to a few bucks. I have tried five others. NONE of them come close to the feature set, ease of use, and product support that one receives with PocketSat3.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com 909-241-7666