I listed the pass prediction for ISS, not AO-51. Here is the correct AMSAT Online Satellite Pass Prediction for AO-51 this morning: 29 Feb 08 13:58:51 00:13:47 20 44 110 179 14:12:38
I was trying to listen to both. I wanted to see if I could hear the ISS APRS digipeater. AO-51 was tuned on one band and ISS on the other. Nothing but noise from either. I'll concentrate on AO-51 now until I get a better understanding of what is going on.
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Kent R. Frazier [email protected] wrote:
Re Time Sync: The clock on my computer is currently synced with an internet time server. It only varies by about 3 seconds from the atomic clock on the wall.
I am not using the computer to control the radio. With the exception of this morning, all my monitoring has been from the driveway of my house while stationary. This morning I listened while taking my daughter to school.
The AMSAT Online Satellite Pass Predictions showed a pass of AO-51 for this morning as follows (Times UTC): 29 Feb 08 13:55:12 00:07:29 277 8 318 20 14:02:41
I didn't hear anything on this pass. Could this be because the elevation was only 8? I started listening at 13:50 and ended at 14:10 hearing nothing but noise.
I'll try to listen for for the 20:19 pass which shows a maximum altitude of 75.
Kent, K5KNT