Hello all,
If all goes according to plan, I will cap off my NPOTA activation operation from Thomas Edison's Lab on SO-50. Activation is posted on the NPOTA page.
Activation from that site will take place this Friday, July 1st. I will be on the HF bands from around 1630z until the SO-50 pass which will begin for me in FN20 at approximately 1929z. I will be operating handheld (as I always do) with my homebrew dual yagi & diplexer and VX-5R.
Not sure if it's appropriate for me to ask for others to 'clear the way', but I would hope to get in as many NPOTA chasers as possible. If things get hot & heavy (expected) I will likely skip giving my grid and only announce it once or twice and focus on giving just the HP44 designator (as required by NPOTA rules).
Hope to hear many of you!
73, Chris KQ2RP