I had the fortune to own a Kenwood TH7-D for awhile and would have kept it if the original owner had not twisted my arm into selling it back to him (It was for a charitable cause that he was donating the radio). It was full cross-band duplex with built in TNC and APRS.
Although not an HT, the FT-817 is pretty portable with its carry strap and works well for working Leos sats. The FT-817 is not duplex, however, so I would say it is better suited to someone with some experience working satellites. Being able to hear your own signal with a cross-band duplex radio helps ensure that you are operating properly.
And, beginners should remember the first rule in good satellite operation: "Be able to hear the downlink well, before transmitting!" A lot of beginners key up their transmitter and cause interference while they still figuring out how to receive well.
PS: My favorite satellite radio remains my FT-847 (in the shack)...now ten years old! 73, Ed - KL7UW
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gordon Bousman" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 10:50 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Optimum HT for FM satellite use?
I'm getting started in satellite work and interested in purchasing a suitable HT for portable satellite use using an Arrow antenna. Wondering what is considered to be an optimum HT especially considering ease of managing the Doppler shift during a pass. I understand that the HT must be full duplex capable and thus rules out some models.
Thanks, Gordon, NW7D