From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 23:29:15 -0500 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Montagues & Capulets (was: FM vs SSB, HEO vs LEO, etc)
Note that I am firmly in the camp of wishing for linear transponders on any bird that we manage to fly. The accomplishments of PE1RAH prove that even a tiny cubesat can physically support a linear transponder, not just an FM single-channel transponder. (See http://www.scribd.com/doc/59006469/le005-r2 ) And I am firmly in the camp of wishing for HEO satellites if we can ever manage to get one launched again. Too bad that Bill Gates (or someone with almost as much money as him) isn't a ham interested in satellite communication.
Just want to set the record straight about the utility of the higher bands.
73 de W0JT EN34js June-September EL09ro October-May AMSAT-NA Life Member #2292
Hi, W0JT
I agree with you particularly if a radio ham is able to build and not only to buy his own microwave equipments and antennas in order to experiment into the X band K band and higher bands and this is why a HEO satellite with microwave linear transponders is ideal for the serious experimenter ham.
To bad that I was not able to use my 10450-10452 MHz homebrewed downconverter and 60 cm dish on the X band transponder of AO40 because it never was activated because of the onboard explosion and fault of it.
I hope that some day in the future I can use my above X band set up if the AMSAT-DL will be able to signe a launch contract for P3E because actually the above setup been not working into the tropo DX frequency segment is good only for me to receive the Sun-Noise time to time.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico