-------- Forwarded Message --------
Hi Bob,
I see the problem.
To fix the "download failed" problem, you need to update the
"celestrak" URLs from celestrak.com to celestrak.org.
The address of that site has changed from ".com" to ".org". there
was a redirect on the site but it seems that the redirect has
To update these you need to edit the Celestrak.SQF file.
You can find this from the "?" in the main menu. Then select
"Auxiliary files" and you will see "Celestrak.SQF" at the bottom.
This should open in "Notepad" and allow you to edit the file.
Save it, then close and restart Sat32PC.
This should fix the "download failed" problem.
"amateur.txt" will be using old keps and is probably wrong.
"nasa.all" comes from amsat.org and should be ok.
Check with one of the online sites to see how your Sat32PC
compares with these.
Let me know if this works for you.
Terry Osborne ZL2BAC
On 27/07/2022 5:22 pm, Bob Johnson
Greetings all-I realize the ISS can change
orbit slightly. When I use the amateur.txt file to track it
it's in one position, when I use nasa.all file it's
somewhere else. I thought when I clicked "up-date keps
everything was updated. When selecting the source files
provided in satpc32 I get a lot of "download failed". Help
with confusion please. Thanks
73 Bob W7LRD
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