How about IF tap (10.7MHz) and high speed packet ready (up to say, 76k or faster)?
(Maybe I missed it, but I don't think I saw those 2 features...)
Mark N8MH
I dearly wish my 910 had an IF tap! That would mostly take care of the high speed part too for me.
The manufactures of Transceivers and Amplifies need to agree upon a set of standard power level so the third-party amplifier manufactures can design properly matched Amplifiers and pre-amplifiers. This will also help reduce the number of transceiver and amplifier failures caused by mismatched RF settings.
I'd prefer a menu settable power output for each band, like all of the current Yaesu DC to Daylight rigs have.
The IC-910 has a blinking light to tell you your FM satellite receiver frequency has drifted. Unfortunately, the blinking light is useless in telling you if your frequency is high or low.
Yes, but if you press the AFC button on the 910, it will tune it for you!
No access to frequencies below 50 megacycles.
Many serious 6m ops listen to utilities below 50Mhz to tell when the banding is close to opening.
73, Drew KO4MA (Who'd settle for a full duplex FT-817)