On 10/17/2021 15:32, Richard AG5M via AMSAT-BB wrote:
*Specially I asked about the M2 Egg Beater antenna system. No bad words about it, and I now know the M2 Leo Pack is "the" de-facto satellite antenna system.
I'll give you bad words. ANY omni antenna for satellite will be very marginal at best. I built a Egg Beater clone years for use as a packet downlink gateway station for one of the early packet satellites. In several years, if I got ONE packet to decode per day, it was doing well. * *
*A Ham mentioned an antenna I never thought about, the Diamond D130J Discone. It would seem it too, especially given its low cost, is a viable choice for someone just getting their feet wet without spending a lot up front to get started. I have everything I need, other than the antenna.
Same general answer, I would think a discone would not work very well.