The following info from the Cubesat reflector:
The ELaNa III Cubesats being launched are listed below:
Satellite: AubieSat-1 Downlink Freq: 437.475 MHz EIRP: .708W Modulation Scheme: Interrupted Continuous Wave (IWC) Protocol: Morse Code Baud Rate: 20wpm
Satellite: DICE Downlink Freq: 465 MHz EIRP: -4.51dBW Modulation Scheme: OQPSK Protocol: CCSDS Baud Rate: Modulation data rate 1.5 megabit, Actual Tx bit rate 3.0 megabit
Satellite: RAX-2 Downlink Freq: 437.345 MHz Modulation Scheme: GMSK Baud Rate: 9600
Satellite: M-Cubed (1) Downlink Freq: 437.485MHz EIRP: < 1W Modulation Scheme: FSK Protocol: AX.25 Baud Rate: 9600
Satellite: Explorer-1[PRIME] Flight Unit 2 Downlink Freq: 437.505 MHz EIRP: -0.7dBW Modulation Scheme: Non-Coherent FSK Protocol: KISS Custom Baud Rate: 1200
Additional spacecraft information can be found on the satellite websites listed below: M-Cubed: http://umcubed.org/ DICE: http://www.sdl.usu.edu/programs/dice Explorer-1[PRIME] http://ssel.montana.edu/e1p/ RAX-2: http://rax.engin.umich.edu/ AubieSat-1: http://space.auburn.edu/
73 Trevor M5AKA