When setting up to work AO-27 yesterday I noticed that the schedule on ao27.org indicated it would be turning on later than normal, with the bird up in Canada. I went out to catch the pass a minute before the scheduled on time and found that the bird was already on. It switched to TLM within a minute and then turned off.
Today I went out for the 2022 pass before my tracking program's indicated AOS. The bird was on as it rose and it stayed on for a good 6-7 mins before going to TLM. When I got back in after it turned off, ao27.org listed analog as the current mode, with over 5 minutes remaining.
From what I see, the schedule on ao27.org seems to be 8-10 mins off from actual time. The bird doesn't seem to have changed schedule at all. Can anyone else confirm this?
73, Sam KC2LRC Syracuse, NY - FN13