Nick, I'll miss working you on the SATs. You did amazingly wellwith an indoor antenna! No matter where I went on GridExpeditions, you would usually pop up with a great signaland never trying to talk over someone else. You are a greatexample of a courteous operator and a gentleman. It was sonice to have been able to meet up with you as I passed throughBurlington on one of my trips. Hope you can manage to getback on once in a while to say hello. 73, Bob K8BL P.S. And, thanks for that last QSL I needed for SAT WAS!!
From: "Daniel "Nick" Kucij" To: AMSAT-NA Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 9:40 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] KB1RVT on the sats
Fellow satellite ops, I have moved and left my shack location, where I operated since I got my license in 2009. The move is due to down-sizing, necessitated by aging. As some may know, I operated from a second floor room in the northeast corner of our Vermont home, using an Arrow antenna indoors. It worked remarkably well, especially on the linear transponders in directions from north to south. West was a challenge due to the building, but Europe was a sweet spot. It was a great run, I now have over 1500 grids confirmed. Thanks to everyone on the birds, especially the rovers!
Unfortunately, my new location in a condo, appears to be not so conducive for working the birds. I may try some occasional outdoor ops from portable locations this summer, but will miss the regular comradery of our small fraternity, it has been a lot of fun!
Enjoy the hobby and be good to each other!
73 and gud DX! Nick, KB1RVT
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