----- Original Message ----- From: "PE0SAT" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 6:42 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Azimute pointer on a G-5600 gives a wrond value
Hello thanks for reading,
I recently acquired a Yaesu G-5600 and experience the following:
When I turn the azimuth antenna, then the pointer gives an other value than when I don't turn the antenna.
It lookes that the load on the powersupply causes the pointer to indicate a different value then when there is no load.
Is this a known problem? And is there a way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,
PE0SAT - Jan
Hi Jan, PE0SAT
Connect a voltmeter between terminals A1 and A3 of the control box The voltage across the 500 ohm potentiometer into the azimuth rotator must remain constant at about 6 volt while turning the azimuth. A1 and A3 are connected via a 15 ohm resistor to the output of a voltage regulator Q2 UA7806C in the schematic diagram. The same regulator power supply the elevation potentiometer via a 15 ohm resistor so that connecting the voltmeter across E1 and E3 and rotating the elevation the voltage must remain constant as well. If the voltage between A1 and A3 changes and if between E1 and E3 do not change it is not a problem of the voltage regulator but probably someting is overloading the control box power supply while rotating the azimuth. In this case the drop of voltage must appear as well at the input of the regulator and you can check it measuring the voltage at pin 7 of the 8 pin external control connector because pin 7 is directly connected to the regulator input.
Have fun
73" de
i8CVS Domenico