Hi Mike, DK3WN
Your FO-29 telemetry of Feb, 2006 at 1614 UTC demonstrates that actually FO-20 is working nominally.
Unfortunately despite the boombing signals there is small activity on this satellite and to day the only station I have worked in SSB during all the South-bound and North-bound orbits were Rolf, DK2ZF , SV1JGW, EA3DME and 2E1EUB
Tanks for your help
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Rupprecht" [email protected] To: "'i8cvs'" [email protected]; "'AMSAT-BB'" [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 10:27 PM Subject: AW: [amsat-bb] FO-29 telemetry
Hi Domenico,
My last FO-29 telemetry was received on Feb 17, 2006 at 1614 UTC
hi hi a6 03 88 d5 8f f3 05 25 00 24 8c 36 63 51 86 83 8f 57 86 84 87 86 7b
Solar Current 970.6 [mA] Battery Current 412.4 [mA] Battery Voltage 14.4 [V] Middle Voltage 6.3 [V] Bus Voltage 14.0 [V] JTA Tx Power 467.4 [mW] Structure1 Temp 29.8 [C] Structure2 Temp 30.6 [C] Structure3 Temp 29.5 [C] Structure4 Temp 29.8 [C] Battery Cell Temp 34.1 [C]
73, Mike
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: i8cvs [mailto:[email protected]] Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008 21:45 An: 'AMSAT-BB'; Mike Rupprecht Cc: Francesco Grappi; [email protected] Betreff: Re: [amsat-bb] FO-29 telemetry
Hi Mike, DK3WN
Tank you very much to decode the FO-29 telemetry. It seems that all parameters are nominal and the batteries are charging but it should be necessary to compare the actual performance with some old telemetry file that you probably have available in your archive.
Please let us know
Tanks and 73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Rupprecht" [email protected] To: "'AMSAT-BB'" [email protected] Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:34 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] FO-29 telemetry
Hi all,
FO-29 CW telemetry at 1210 UTC, July 27th
1210 UTC hihi 22e288d58f050525002401016a629695b07bb9b4babcb7 hihi 22e288d58f050525002401016b629695b076b9b4babcb7 hihi 22e288d58f050525002401017f629594b077b8b4babbb7 hihi 22e288d58f0505250024010183629595b19eb8b4babbb7 hihi 22e288d58f0505250024010184629594b165b8b4babbb7 hihi 22e288d58f0505250024010186629695b075b8b4b9bbb7 hihi 22e288d58f0505250024010182629595b054b7b3b9bab7 hihi 22e288d58f050525002401017c629594b09bb7b3b9bab7
Solar Current 1313.7 [mA] Battery Current 79.2 [mA] Battery Voltage 16.1 [V] Middle Voltage 7.2 [V] Bus Voltage 17.3 [V] JTA Tx Power 662.4 [mW] Structure1 Temp 10.4 [C] Structure2 Temp 12.0 [C] Structure3 Temp 10.0 [C] Structure4 Temp 9.3 [C] Battery Cell Temp 10.8 [C]
73, Mike DK3WN
Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von i8cvs Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008 06:08 An: AMSAT-BB Cc: Francesco Grappi Betreff: [amsat-bb] FO-29 is alive and well
Hi All,
Following suggestions of my friend Mak, SV1BSX I tried FO-29 this night 27 july during the South bound orbit 58978 when the AOS for me in JN70ES was at 00:06 UTC and FO-29 was in sun light.
I was alone into the passband and my return signal was very strong above my noise floor with appoximately only 10 watt on a 13 dBi crossed yagi RHCP / LHCP (about 200 watt EIRP)
The SSB return was very clean and without FMing with the usual need to switch RHCP to LHCP time to time to get the best signal strength
At 00:15 UTC FO-29 started to experience the eclipse as per InstanTrack but no signe of reduction of my return signal or FMing was noted.
From 00:15 to 00:21 until my LOS the satellite was over Africa and well
in full eclipse for about 6 minutes but my own return signal was still
ad strong without any signe of FMing so that it seems that the battery are working and as far I know the satellite performance seems to be nominal.
The CW beacon was ON all the time but it should be necessary to decode the TLM to get the actual parameters ( I think IW4DVZ can do the job with his suitable software )
The transponder is very sensitive as it was as new so that refrain please to use high power because 200 watt EIRP is more than necessary.
I tanks very much Mak SV1BSX for sending to me the results of his experience yesterday confirming the results that I got this night both confirming that FO-29 seems to be alive and well.
We don't know what JARL did to resurrex this beautiful satellite but until she will last we have another real CW and SSB satellite to work.
Congratulations to JARL
73" de
i8CVS Domenico