I will have an AMSAT table at the Superstition Amateur Radio Club's annual hamfest in Mesa, Arizona, on Saturday (9 February 2013) morning. This hamfest was supposed to take place in early December, but was postponed due to scheduling conflicts. The hamfest will be at the usual location, in the southwest parking lot at Mesa Community College - along the east side of Dobson Road between Southern Avenue and the US-60 freeway (exit 177). More information about the hamfest is available at:
WD9EWK will be on various satellite passes during the morning. Please call if you hear my call on those passes, and be part of the demonstrations. If you work WD9EWK and want a QSL card, please e-mail me after the hamfest with the QSO details. No need to first send me a card. QSOs will also be uploaded to the Logbook of the World.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/