Thanks for the explanation :) . Looks like there aren't that many antennas available, maybe it'll be the X-Quad from WIMO...
Simon Brown G4ELI http://v2.sdr-radio.com
-----Original Message----- From: i8cvs [mailto:domenico.i8cvs@tin.it]
Stainless steel is a very bad material to be used to made antennas or to be used as an electrical conductor because his specific resistivity is very very high ( 1,61 x 10^-7 )
Since at Radio Frequency the RF current flows only over a thin surface of the metallic material than the stainless steel could be used provided it is electrolitically silver plated because the specific resistivity of silver is the lowest possible ( 1,59 x 10^-9 ) but this procedure is very costly and the silver over the stainless steel do not last very much !
Use only aluminum for your antennas as shows the very low specific resistivity of aluminum as listed on the following address:
http://metals.about.com/od/properties/a/Electrical-Conductivity-In-Metals.ht m