Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the ARRL for the period March 30, 2017 through April 1, 2017. There was no update on March 31st. Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!
KB1RVT 1493 WC7V 1101 W5PFG 1039 N8HM 904 AA5PK 825 N9IP 481 W5RKN 400 W4FS 374 KK4FEM 353 K5ND 276 AI6GS 211 W7QL 211 NS3L 200 VE7CEW 127 MI6GTY 110 (NEW VUCC) FG8OJ 100 (NEW VUCC)
This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for March 30th and April 1st, 2017. It's a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!
73, John K8YSE
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