I started in Satellites when the Mode K sats were popular. When they died, I lost interest. When Sunsat was popular, I tried...but soon found that working for a LARGE telecom demanded more from me than I could devote to radio.
Maybe it's just me, but I have noticed in my 2nd incarnation on the Ham Sats that some users insist on attempting the LONG QSO. This, I feel, is rather unfair given the fact that these sats are not the Oscar 10 variety...allowing long QSOs. Rich, N2SPI, at the 2007 Rochester Hamfest said that they are like working a contest...because the passes are so fast.
Today, as also noticed on many passes past, one ham in Michigan, relishes in being longwinded. I have complained to him directly...not on my behalf...but for the OTHERS I heard in FN02...03...and 12 trying to access SO-50. I'm not worried about my situation. But when I can hear locals with HTs trying to work the birds...and some INSIST on holding 80 meter style chats, I get a bit peeved. (I'm adding an amp to deal with THIS particular issue....)
Am I being petty? I welcome the critiques, since I am new to sats.
Don't hold back. I RESPECT the truth.