Hi Nels!
I was wondering if anyone is using TH78a handheld to work AO-5, AO-27, and SO-51? If so wonder what downlink and upload frequencies you got programmed in? I got mine so it will take 436.800 but can't get 436.805 programmed. When I had a Icom IC-32 the downlink frequencies I had were as follows.
436.805 436.800 436.795 436.790 436.785 435.310 435.305 435.300 435.295 435.290
Just can't get it to take anything ending in 5.
The problem with the TH-78, and other Kenwood HTs before that one, is that it will not tune in 5 kHz steps on UHF. It's limited to 10 kHz as its smallest tuning step. You *might* be able to fool the radio into accepting those other frequencies by also changing the tuning steps, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for that.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Phoenix AZ http://www.wd9ewk.net/