Just finished with my Canadian satellite QSOs as CJ7EWK and VA7EWK. All have been uploaded to LOTW, and the last few files are still being processed. I also uploaded a handful of QSO records for WD9EWK, the second half of the QSOs made at the Canada/USA border that are also in some of the VA7EWK QSO records.
I have seen QSLs for some of my AO-16 QSOs using the transmit mode (FM) in the MODE field, so that seems to be a good way to go. Of course, everyone needs to follow the same band and mode conventions for this to work right. Overall, LOTW has taken 570 QSO entries for my Canadian and Mexican calls, and I have received 74 QSLs from them. There are still about 150 more QSOs the LOTW server needs to process, and I hope to see the results from those additional QSOs in the morning.
Other than the SO-67 QSOs, I will start uploading my other satellite QSOs as WD9EWK this weekend. I'm taking care to set all the information in my LOTW station entries, including the IOTA number for those QSOs made from Vancouver Island and counties for the stateside QSOs. And, of course, the grids. Better to have all of that set up in the beginning.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/