15 Sep
15 Sep
1:24 a.m.
If you can only work while in motion and driving, well, nevermind, LOL. A 1/4 wave would probably be as best as you can do then, without going to something like one of the quadrifilars...
Remember, the 1/4 wave 19" whip does perfectly fine on the uplink with any 35W mobile. That is never the problem. There is a 9 dB link advantage on VHF to boot PLUS the 35 watts!
The problem is hearing the downlink. That is why the 19.5" whip is so good. It acts like a 3/4 wave antenna for the UHF downlink and it has almost 7dBi gain above 30 degrees up to over 70 degrees. So it beats a quadrifilar easily (only 4 dBi or so overhead).