At this point, I now have the computer talking to the GS-232B and talking to the G-5500. I was having the issue with the Sat32PC version C. Version C was looking for Yaesu SDX program. As it turns out, it couldn't find the SDX program in Version C, however, I uninstalled version C and installedVersion B the SDX program appeared. (not sure why) So at this point .... things are communicating. So here is the next question. The elevation and azimuth readings on the computer and rotor control box do not match up. It seems the meters on the Yaesu control box move much faster than the readings on computer. I have adjusted the output adjustment pots on the rotor control box, and this is the best I can come up with for comparison purposes ...... When the rotor controls say the elevation is at 45 the computer says 22 When the rotor controls says the azimuth is at 180 the computer says 146 Are there any suggestions.
Thank you
Brian, KG8CO