No, it's certain that it's on the uplink. The weaker stations are having trouble getting in, and the signals disappear when the satellite pass is over. The strength of the signal is closely related to movement of the satellite, and my S-meter doesn't change vs the satellite when the signals are there.
In my case, there is absolutely no local activity on 70cm below 440 that I have been able to find, other than some kind of digipeater, so anything I hear on 70cm is from a satellite.
--- Scott Wilson wrote:
There are apparently several stations.
How sure is everyone that the QRM is on the uplink frequency? I have noticed some QRM, but it's usually MUCH stronger than the downlink, and will almost always completely over power the satellite signal. I've just assumed that it's local 70cm activity from some locals who don't know any better.
Scott NW2S _______________________________________________ Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: