After having some e-mail issues with the IOTA staff I think I have finally found an e-mail address that works. I have submitted a letter to the IOTA Manager requesting that satellites be added to the IOTA (Islands on the Air) program. If you haven't signed the petition please do so now. You can find the petition at http://eric-sparks.blogspot.com/2007/08/official-iota-satellite-award-petition.html. Comments are moderated but all will be posted (as long as there isn't any bad language, etc).
73s, Eric Christensen, W4OTN AMSAT Area Coordinator - Southeastern Virginia USA AMSAT Member 35360 http://www.ericsatcom.net
Donate to the Eagle Fund - http://www.amsat-na.com/donation.php?donate=eagle
Eric H Christensen wrote:
I've been considering petitioning the IOTA board to make a special award for IOTA contacts made via satellite. Right now their rules (http://www.rsgbiota.org/rules/rules.pdf, Para C.3.10) do not allow satellite contacts for any award.
Are there others here that would support such a petition?
73s, Eric W4OTN