At 02:28 AM 7/8/2009, wrote:
I don't have the time or money to go into a legal battle with FCC - and I don't want to loose my license if this is in their minds illegal. I am just not willing to do that -
Well, the worst case scenario I see is that because you acted in good faith, not with intent to break the rules, the FCC would write to you advising that they consider what you're doing to be illegal, please stop. If you have any questions, please contact...
So, all you'd have to do if you got the letter would be to stop operating your pager transmitter, and THEN, since they initiated contact, give the FCC a call and discuss it further.
There is no reason that I can see to break the law (maybe) and let it sort itself out latter.
The rules are sometimes vague for a reason. The FCC (or whoever) don't have a crystal ball, and can't fully predict which way technology will be develop or used. If they see a problem, they will advise those they judge to be of concern. I can't see them slapping a fine on you without warning, when you're not doing anything malicious. Worst I'd expect is a cease and desist letter (and if you got one of those, THEN you'd better stop what they asked you to stop doing! :) ).
Speaking of rules, in Australia, there has been a trend towards taking out specifics (such as modes allowed on each band) and replacing them with more general limits, such as bandwidth. This is another sign of the authorities saying we should organise our own sandpit to play in (they just tell us where we can play), but play nice and don't give anyone a "free ride" where they aren't allowed to go. :)
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL