Neither are geographic names recommended by the ITU. However, geographic names do work considerably better under certain conditions.
Had the FCC required that the ICAO phonetics be used such would be stated in 47 CFR Part 97. However, the identification procedures for phone operation are "spelled out" in 47 CFR Part 97 Section 97.119(b)(2) which reads as follows:
(2) By a phone emission in the English language. Use of a phonetic alphabet as an aid for correct station identification is encouraged;
Please note that the regulations suggest "A PHONETIC ALPHABET", not the ICAO phonetic alphabet. There are actually several accepted phonetic alphabets in use including the APCO phonetic alphabet which is used in Public Safety communications here in the United States. That phonetic alphabet shares few phonetics with the ICAO phonetics.
Glen, K9STH
Website: http://k9sth.com
--- On Sun, 4/10/11, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
... The use of Kilowatt as a phonetic is a pet peeve ...
Not an ITU-approved term. "K" is "kilo."
SOURCE: ARRL Handy Ops Guide's ITU Phonetics: http://web.me.com/clintbradford/Work-Sat/Shack_Aids.html