The ideal solution would be to have a worldwide amateur data network, based only on amateur-radio resources (microwave, HF, etc.), which would be independent of the Internet.
There is one. called APRS. And in the early days, my original APRSdos could send out a local beacon every 10 minutes showing the satellite names and AOS time for upcoming satellites. Then when the satellites were in view, it wouild send out Satelltie OBJECTs that the APRS radios wouid then use to show the range and bearing to the satellite once a minute as well as the words LOW or HIGH to be spoken by Knewoods that had the voice chip in them.
See: http://aprs.org/satinfo.html
This is exactly what APRS was designed to do. To be an info resource for everyone everywhere to see what was happening in their area. But unless someone is posting the info or running such an ap in the local area, then there is nothing to see.
On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 1:11 PM Zach Metzinger via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
The ideal solution would be to have a worldwide amateur data network, based only on amateur-radio resources (microwave, HF, etc.), which would be independent of the Internet.
We have the IPv4 space (44.x.x.x net) and the open-source tools (Mastodon) to replace the data-mining, you-are-the-product commercial solutions.
This network would provide the driving need to keep our spectrum, which is rapidly being eroded by the FCC for 5G.
Obviously, this network would be the backbone for amsat-bb and other amateur mailing lists/resources. This source material could be relayed to the Internet, for those without direct RF access to the 44.x net.
So many ideas, so little time..
--- Zach N0ZGO
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