I think it's time to stop recommending people use AL-800 or SRH320 -style extended whips for LEO newcomers. These antennas are very poor performers for working either SO-50 or AO-27. Even under an ideal pass, using these antennas will likely result in many missed calls. We all know "it can be done..." So can running a dogsled race with Chihuahuas.
Here's my case, which has been experienced time after time, on the current FM birds:
1. New station decides to "give sats a try." (Excellent - we should encourage and provide proper guidance) 2. Station looks in drawer and finds an extended whip or buys one based on recommendation from website or article 3. Station gets on a pass, hears a break in the noise and some partial calls, so he gives his call sign 4. If the new station was lucky enough to capture the bird, likely other stations will "pounce" on the new guy and perhaps call incessantly 5. Perhaps the new station will hear the bird again for a minute, thinking it is clear, and gives their call sign 6. Repeat step 4-5; continue until LOS (many fewer good contacts are made)
When we had AO-51, reception on an extended whip was more viable. Now with AO-27 and SO-50, these "extended" rubber ducks have become much less viable options. Often the stations on a whip do not take into account their "handicap" and try to make contacts even though they are not hearing the bird.
It’s time to retire these extended whips as a recommendation since there are both inexpensive commercially-available gain antennas and many good home-brew designs.
73 Clayton W5PFG