I agree, strange choice and I won't download and use the binary regardless. Rob KA2CZU On Thursday, February 17, 2022, 01:12:12 AM EST, Mark Jessop [email protected] wrote:
I'm curious as to why KG-STV was chosen for this activity, over something like EasyPal / HamDRM ? It's a FM repeater, anything that fits within the audio passband is going to be usable. The KG-STV software appears to have been abandoned in 2010, is Windows only (please don't use WINE as an excuse here...) and there's not really enough documentation available to make a compatible decoder. At least with HamDRM (or EasyPal - same modulation and protocol), there's more than one bit of software to decode it (EasyPal on Windows, and the open-source QSSTV on Linux). 73Mark VK5QI On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 2:55 PM David Jordan [email protected] wrote:
ARISS News Release No. 22-08
Dave Jordan, AA4KN
ARISS Europe to Perform Special Digital SSTV Experiment
February 16, 2022—Amateur Radio on the InternationalSpace Station (ARISS) is planning for a special SSTV experiment. ARISS is thegroup that puts together special amateur radio contacts between students aroundthe globe and crew members with ham radio licenses on the International SpaceStation (ISS) and develops and operates the amateur radio equipment on ISS.
As part of its ARISS 2.0 initiative, the ARISSInternational team is expanding its educational and life-long learningopportunities for youth and ham radio operators around the world. ARISSSlow Scan Television (SSTV), which is the transmission of images from ISS usingamateur radio, is a very popular ARISS mode of operation. To expand ARISSSSTV capabilities, the ARISS Europe and ARISS USA teams plan to perform specialSSTV Experiments using a new SSTV digital coding scheme. For the signalreception, the software "KG-STV" is required, as available on internet.
We kindly request that the amateur radio communityrefrain from the use of the voice repeater thin this SSTV experiment on 20th ofFebruary 2022 over Europe.
This is a unique and official ARISS experiment. Wekindly request keeping the voice repeater uplink free from other voicetransmissions during the experiment time period. Also note that ARISS istemporarily employing the voice repeater to expedite these experiments and makea more permanent, more expansive SSTV capability fully operational on otherdownlink frequencies.
The first experiment in the series will utilize ARISSapproved ground stations in Europe that will transmit these digital SSTVsignals. These will be available for all in the ISS footprint when SSTVtransmissions occur. The first SSTV experiment is planned for 20 February2022 between 05:10 UTC and 12:00 UTC for five ISS passes over Europe. Please be aware that this event depends on ARISS IORS radio availabilities andISS crew support, so last-minute changes may occur.
To promote quick experimental SSTV investigations—tolearn and improve--the ARISS team will employ the ISS Kenwood radio in itscross-band repeater mode. The crossband repeater operates on a downlinkof 437.800 MHz. Each transmission sequence will consist of 1:40 minutetransmission, followed by 1:20 minute pause and will be repeated several timeswithin an ISS pass over Europe.
The used modulation is MSK w/o error correction. Forthe decoding of the 320 x 240 px image, the software KG-STV is required. The KG-STV software can be downloaded from the following link: "http://amsat-nl.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/kgstv_ISS.zip"
The ZIP file contains the KG-STV program, aninstallation and setup manual, some images and MP3 audio samples for your firsttests as well as links for additional technical information about the KG-STVuse.
The members of the ham radio community youth and thepublic are invited to receive and decode these special SSTV signals.
Experiment reports are welcome and should be uploadedto "[email protected]"
More information will be available on the AMSAT-NL.org web page: "https://amsat-nl.org/?page_id=568"
(for the team: OliverAmend, DG6BCE)
About ARISS:
Amateur Radioon the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture ofinternational amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support theInternational Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the RadioAmateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL),the ISS National Lab-Space Station Explorers, Amateur Radio DigitalCommunications (ARDC) and NASA’s Space communications and Navigation program.ARISS Europe is in close cooperation with the European Space Agency and itsnational space agencies, the space industry and the amateur radio memberassociations. The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science,technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics topics. ARISS does this byorganizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard theISS and students. Before and during these radio contacts, students, educators,parents, and communities take part in hands-on learning activities tied tospace, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see www.ariss.org and www.ariss-eu.org.
Oliver Amend,DG6BCE (oliver.amend (at) gmx.de)
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