I answer QSLs for my rover ops when I can, but everyone gets a card eventually. Generally it takes me a month or two. Harassing and threatening me by email doesn't help at all.
73, Drew KO4MA
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff Lamb [email protected] Date: April 13, 2015 at 8:27:28 AM EDT To: "[email protected]" [email protected] Subject: Final email.
Drew, this is my final email to you about my QSL cards that I sent you an SASE for back in mid January. You have refused to acknowledge any previous attempts to contact you about this problem. If you do not acknowledge receipt of my correspondence, my next action will be in a much more public forum.
You have plenty of time to work Yuri but you can't fill out my cards?
I can tell you that I send out QSL cards to everyone I work from portable, usually at my own expense and upload all to LoTW. It's just the way it's supposed to be done.
The ball is in your court but your time is running out. If I have not heard from you by week's end, this will go public and not in a flattering way.
Your call.
73 de Jeff, NX9B, EM66sj