12 Feb
12 Feb
11:32 a.m.
Everyone, while in a national park, please confirm APRS activity on 144.39 and report if nothing heard. APRS has a goal of assuring APRS coverage in all the national parks.
It is so great to see another ham in the park and go meet them because of their APRS beacon. Statistically, there are at least a dozen hams a day in the big parks... yet without a beacon, its dark ships in the night...
If no digipeaters cover the park, please report so we can update our databse of all National Parks with APRS coverage. http://aprs.org/aprs-parks.html
-----Original Message-----
I will be operating satellites SO-50 and FO-29 from DM29 in eastern Nevada on February 21-23, 2016. WA7HQD, Lee (Doc) Ernstrom